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comp., MS 存取點名稱 (The name of the access point used to establish wireless connectivity)
 English thesaurus
APN abbr.
abbr. Assessors Parcel Number; Awards Promotions And Novelties; advanced practice nurse (or advanced practice registered nurse, a nurse with post-graduate education in nursing 4uzhoj); aircraft pulse navigation; Atlantic Pact Nations
abbr., agric., chem. ammonium phosphate-nitrate
abbr., aikido. access point name
abbr., avia. Alpena, Michigan USA; apron; flight line; ramp; tarmac; authorized part number
abbr., busin. appropriation
abbr., comp., net., IT Access Point Number
abbr., earth.sc. air pollution network
abbr., ed., scient. Academic Position Network
abbr., el. all-pass network; augmented Petri net
abbr., environ. Assessor Parcel Number
abbr., inet. Access Point Name
abbr., life.sc. adiponectin
abbr., med. Acute Pyelonephritis; Advanced Practice Nurse; Average Peak Noise; Advanced Practice Nursing. Advanced Practice Nurse.; acquired pendular nystagmus (ННатальЯ)
abbr., mil., avia. aircraft procurement, Navy
abbr., oil acetone and phenyl-p-naphthylamine; all pass network; Asia Pacific Network; augmented proportional navigation
abbr., polym. 4-aminophthalonitrile
abbr., real.est. Assessor's Parcel Number (Ying)
APn abbr.
abbr., med. artificial pneumothorax
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